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The #1 Regret of our 22k (and counting!) FitFather Members


Hello Brother,

Since starting just 4 years ago… I’m proud to say we’ve been able to help over 22,000+ fathers.

(Just scroll through the hundreds of testimonials if you need proof.)

And after personally speaking with hundreds of successful FitFathers, almost all of them told me they had a regret that stopped them from fixing their health sooner…

Their number 1 regret was…

Lying to themselves for so long.

About their health. About their finances. 

And ultimately their happiness.

I get it. Facing the truth sucks because it feels bad. 

Even if we know inside it’s the best move for our lives…

…and for our family’s.

You see, when we start with new members, we ask everyone to take a photo of themselves.

(They don’t have to share it – it’s just for them.)

In fact, this step is so crucial that we find that those who don’t often struggle to get results.

We can’t be sure, but we think this photo gives them both a starting point and more importantly…

The ability to track your progress.

You may have seen studies show that seeing progress towards a goal is often the key to happiness.

(Just think about how proud you felt when you reflect on how your hard work led to your career.)

And our most successful students are proof of that.

So Brother, I’d like to ask you.

If feels like “Now’s not the time…” or “I’d like to, but I just don’t know…”

Let’s shoot straight.

When life gets busy… when there’s bills to pay, the mortgage is due, and every year the kids seem to keep asking for more…

Almost always, the first thing to go is…


Whether it’s only getting 4 hours of sleep, eating whatever’s easiest, or only “exercising” when walking to your car in the parking lot.

(And usually this continues on for years… sometimes decades… really ask yourself, when was the last time you felt GREAT?)

We understand the body can only take so much before it starts to break down…

The growing belly, the subtle aches and pains, and most ironic of them all  is the low energy that makes dealing with these problems even harder.

Like they say, it’s often those who are too busy who need it most.

I’m here to help.

And as you may already know, I have created a program and community specifically designed and tested for fathers, by fathers over 40.

(That means we know this process works, and we have the results to prove it.)

But this message isn’t about the program. This message is about you.

All I ask is that you take a look at yourself in the mirror…

And ask yourself, “Have I been lying to you?”

Say it out loud. Look yourself in the eye.

And if you discover that maybe it’s time to at least try to make a change towards a healthier, more energetic, and fun life…

…Whether for yourself, for your wife, for your kids…

I applaud you for taking the first step, and you should be proud.


Talk soon,

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi 

Founder, The Fit Father Project 

PS: If you’d like to learn more about FF30X, the 30-day proven program and community designed and tested specifically for fathers of 40 – you can learn more here.


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